If the tissues and fluids of the body become less alkaline, a greater quantity of alkaline foods is required.
Though cranberries, prunes, and plums produce an alkaline ash, they increase the acidity of urine. On the other hand, though lemons and oranges are acid, digestion changes them into alkali and rather than being acid-forming, they become alkalinizers.
Alkaline-Forming Foods
Alfalfa, powder; alfalfa tablets; alfalfa mint tea; almonds; almond butter; apples; apricots; apricots, sun dried; artichokes; avocados; bananas, ripe; bananas dried; beans, lima; beans, string; beans, wax; beans kidney; beets; beet juice; beet leaves; blackberries; blackberry juice; blueberries; blueberry juice; broccoli; broth, potassium; broth, vegetable; buttermilk; cabbage, red; cabbage, white; cantaloupe; carrots, raw; carrot concentrates; carrot juice; cauliflower; celery; celery juice; celery knobs; celery powder; cherries; cherry juice; chicory coffee substitutes; coconut; coconut; milk powder; coconut products; cranberries; cucumbers; currants; currants, sun-dried; dandelions; dates, sun-dried; eggplant; endive; figs; figs, Smyrna; figs, sun-dried; garlic; garlic juice; garlic powder; goat’s milk; goat’s milk products; grapes; grape Juice; grapefruit; grapefruit Juice; honey, pure all varieties; huckleberries; juices, fruit; juices, vegetable; kale; kelp; kohlrabi; leek; lemons; lemon juice; lettuce; limes; lime juice; loganberries; loganberry juice; milk; muskmelon; okra; okra, powder; olives, ripe; olive oil; onions; onion juice; onion powder; oranges, tree ripened only; orange juice; oyster plant; parsley; parsley juice; parsley powder; parsnips; peaches; peaches, sun-dried; pears; pears, sun-dried; peas, fresh; peppers, sweet; peppermint leaves; persimmons; pineapple; pineapple juice; plums; potatoes, sweet; potatoes, white; prunes, sun-dried; pumpkins; radishes; raisins, sun-dried; raspberries; rice polishings; romaine; rhubarb; rutabagas; savory sorrel; soy beans; soy bean milk powder; soy bean oil; soy bean products, all varieties; spinach; spinach juice; spinach powder; sprouts; squash, hubbard; squash, summer; strawberries; strawberry juice; strawberry leaves; swiss chard; tea substitutes; tomatoes; tomato juice; turnips; turnip tops; vegetable juices; watercress; watercress powder; watermelons; wheat germ.
Acid-Forming Foods
Barley; beans, white; bread; candy; cashew nuts; cereals; corn; corn meal; cornstarch; cottage cheese; crackers; cream of wheat; eggs; flour, rye; flour, whole wheat; gluten flour; grapenuts; lentils; macaroni; maize; millet, rye; oatmeal; peanut butter; pecans; peas, dried; rice, brown; rice, polished; rice, wild; sauerkraut; sauerkraut juice; spaghetti; sugar, raw; sugar, white; syrup; tapioca; walnuts; zweiback.